(Sorry for the crazy photo sizes lately. I can't seem to fix the problem, as I have no clue what the problem is! Click on the photo to see the whole thing.)
(I grew a beard during the 3 weeks between Iowa and Maryland, shaved it off before my high school reunion.)
I'm sorry about not posting the past few weeks, but there has been little to report and no photos to go with the reports. Over the past two weeks I have been back in MD. The week before I was just hanging out in Portland and working for Skagen. I did get to hang out with some new Portland friends for a quality Halloween party as well. The MD trip was a lot of fun and I was able to collect some photos to hopefully make this post interesting:)
I flew back to MD on Friday the 21st and got to see the new Bond movie that evening with my parents, Jacklyn, Julie, & Rae. The movie was entertaining, but not nearly as good as Casino Royal, the only post Ian Fleming Bond movie worth much. On Saturday I attended my 10 yr high school reunion with Jacklyn. It was held at the Red Star in Baltimore and was good fun. It was good to see what people are up too, that you knew 10 yrs ago and haven't kept in touch with. Lots of drinks and many years of catching up kept the conversations flowing. I got the prize for traveling the furthest for the reunion as well. On Sunday Julie left with her family for a three day trip to a time share in southern VA. I managed to catch a cold and went out to my parents place to help move my sister into here new apartment, which was quite a job! The first half of the week I spent with my parents fighting off my cold and cleaning out my old room. Thursday was Thanksgiving and was a great to enjoy a feast with my family. The senior Dorr's, John, Linda, & Jason Spence, my Mom, Dad, Sister, & Victoria all got to spend the day enjoying good food and playing cards. My Grandma Devol was greatly missed by all:( On Saturday I got up early and ran the NCR Trail marathon. I probably shouldn't have, since I hadn't run all week due to being quite sick. The weather turned out to be quite nice and I felt relatively good during the run. I was shooting for under 4 hrs and managed a 4:00:13. Those 13 seconds get to me every time I look at that result! Saturday night was a big party at Julie's house that went quite well. My family came and met Julie's for the first time, the UWS crew showed up in force, and many of Julie's old high school/college/& theater friends showed up as well. Julie's Mom made some amazing food and everyone ate and drank quite well. I woke up the next day feeling quite rough from the marathon.
The second week in MD was a bit more mellow, but still quite busy. For the first part of the week I worked on cleaning up my Grandma Devol's house, as there is a lot of work to be done on that place before it can be sold. On Wednesday Julie and I took a trip down to DC to check out some of the Museums. We went to the Natural History Museum, Sackler Gallery, Freer Gallery, and enjoyed some shopping and dining at Union Station. Friday night Justin & Sarah threw a party out at their place. It was good to catch up with the UWS crew again and many of Sarah's Park Ranger friends came out as well. Julie caught a cold earlier in the week and was feeling quite rough and my allergies were killing me from all the animals, so we only stayed out until about 11. On Saturday I got to take my parents out for a nice B-Day dinner, as they both have B-Day's this week. Sunday Julie and I both flew back to our places, Julie back to HI and me back to OR.
I have to say that life is a bit rough at the moment as Julie and I have tried so hard to find a way to be together again. In the end I need to find a job and a location for us to be. Julie is very interested in becoming an art teacher and will probably be pursing that path sometime soon. For now I have most of Dec. planned out with work for Google and Skagen. I'm also searching for jobs and running everyday. Hopefully things will come together soon.
(This is one of the aid stations along the NCR Trail marathon that I ran back in MD.)
(My sisters new kid is getting big! Victoria at 2 months.)
(Julie threw a great party on the 29th at her parents place. Much of the UWS crew were in attendance.)
(Sarah was nice enough to bring her chocolate fountain for Julie's party. Julie's Dad was in the party spirit with his HI shirt and cacua nuts.)
(This is Julie in any moving vehicle. This happens to be on the DC metro headed down to the museums.)
(Julie enjoying all the animals at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.)
(This was one of the many amazing photos in a temporary exhibit at the Natural History Museum.)
(This is a very cool natural sculpture formed by sand and crystal that can be found in the Hope Dimond room at the Natural History Museum.)
(Julie and I really liked this plate in the Sackler Gallery.)
(The arcitectue and sculptues go hand in hand at the Sackler Gallery.)
(Party photos by Rae Borsetti)
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