Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Winter Has Arrived

(This is the front of my Apartment in OR on Sat. 12/21/08.  4-6" of snow and .25" of ice on top.)
(This is my car before cleaning it off Monday morning 12/22/08, another few inches of snow!)

Everyone out here seems to think this weather is weird, but this is the weather I expected to get living in the Pacific NW.  Apparently this is usually rain and not snow and ice.  I'm enjoying the snow after not being around it since the Salomon Ski Tour in '07.  The roads have been nuts, as apparently they also don't know what a plow is out here???  I bought myself some chains this morning so that I could get mobile again.

There is nothing new to report.  I'm applying for jobs left and right and not hearing much back.  I'm trying to put in hours at Google, but there doesn't seem to be work to be had.  I'm putting in my hours with Skagen, but it is a very part time job.  I'm talking to Julie everyday and trying to work out the logistics to build a life together.  I'm also running a ton and trying to stay on target for running a few ultras and marathons in '09.

I think about and miss my Grandma Devol on a regular basis and will miss not being with family for yet another Christmas.  This year I will be again spending the holidays in HI with Julie.

Stay well, keep in touch, and have a happy holiday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And then after much talking on the phone don't forget that Julie also sends you blog comments, facebook notes and emails. . . Wow, that is a lot of snow. I have to admit that it does look KIND-OF fun to make the first footprint in that pristine blanket. Pack a snow ball and throw it at you! Is it good snow-ball making snow? I know you said it was icy. I can't wiat to see you. It has been pretty good wind lately so bring your kite! Love, Julie.